I saw the interview on TV several weeks ago and knew I would have to read this book, Heaven is for Real: A little boys' astounding story of his trip to heaven and back by Todd Burpo. Now, I'm a skeptic but something about the TV interview caused me to be interested.
Our homeschool co-op was thinking about starting a book study group again this summer. I wasn't able to participate last summer but I was determined to give it my best shot this year. So I suggested to the gal that's heading it up that I would love to read this book and asked if it could be on the reading list for the book study. Sure enough...she made it the first book.
I signed up for the book at the library but there were 86 people waiting for a copy. This book made it on the New York Times Bestseller list. (People are hungry for God. The fields are ripe with harvest.)
On May 18th, ABC World News had a piece on the book and then comments from an interview with Stephen Hawking about heaven being only a fairy tale for people who are afraid of the dark.
When I saw the book at Costco for about half the price as our local Christian bookstore and I couldn't resist. I read this book in 2 sittings. I couldn't put it down. I cried several times.
CBD.com has this book for sale and there are 417 reviews on their website so far. Out of the 417 reviews 378 gave it a 5 star rating. Hmmmm....
There was a part in the book about the family's miscarried child in heaven. This part of the book touched me deeply. Although we have six children, many people don't know that we miscarried 2 children. They are buried in a local cemetery in town that has a section for stillborn and miscarried children.
We, as a family, hold everything up to the light of scripture. If you read this book...I'd love to hear from you and what you thought.
Let's just say that I don't hold the (seemingly) popular opinion about the book. I have my questions :) But I DO believe Heaven is for real - regardless if I "believe" everything in this little book.